
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

amateurish photographer

I was such in an excited state yesterday when the Canon EOS 300D is resting in my bare hands, hmmm.... verily, its with me for sometime now, but I only used it for the jewelry shots so far. I loved photography seen's I started learning the sub, camera is the most coolest device ever been invented, instantly record any images you see through your eyes and you're pretty sure is not gonna be vanished in a blink of a second!

Seriously, I'm yacking away is because I'm stirred emotionally over the top when comes to photography, well, lets cut to the chase, the factuality is that I'm still an amateur in photography, it's because I never caught hold of the DSLR for ages now ( I'm so hoping to get my Nikon D90! need to save up). Basically I'm trying to be on track now to handle this gadget.

(*Shhsssshhhh.....* my superior's was not in the office so I secretly smuggled the camera for other snapshot purposes! To practice white theft for the moment!)

An Amateurish photographer, FOR NOW!!!


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