
Monday, November 29, 2010


What am I confused with?

I'm always confused with everything thats around me all the time. I'm in total shocked as well as confused again about the repetition in my life. the same shit i go through every single day. The same daily chores. The same work. The same walkabout's. The same people I meet. The same 'loneliness' i feel everyday. Theres not one thing that is different! why isn't there any changes and progress in me and in my life? maybe I'm responsible for that, it's my own action i guess. maybe i don't make any sort of effort in changing. Or maybe is a test and all this is just for a while, its parts and particles of life just like everybody said. But to think of it, I have a steady life and an independent woman especially from where I come from...

Maybe It's not enough. I'm still confused!


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