
Monday, August 30, 2010

Dare To Fail

Anguish circulated me. But to my surprise, I was actually really happy that it is over, felt the burden is totally dispersed. But the same time my name is tarnished for no apparent reason, what did i do? I'm pretty sure that whatever move i make is never meant to hurt anyone. sometimes i do think, isit me being so naive all the time could be the best advantage for someone else? I'm sure thats the main reason. the other is that, I put both foot in right away, which is a super wrong move. I should have just put one foot in first to test, learn, then take the next maneuver.

I'm not only gonna talk about myself, but this very post is dedicated to all who had or going through the same situation of being a scapegoat, and got used all the time for being nice. This topic goes well within relationships. doesn't matter for couples, friends or family.

Three words "DARE TO FAIL". To have loved and failed is better than never to have loved at all.

point to be noted :-

A Man and woman are two separate and different human beings! If we expect our spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend to think and feel like us, to be the same as us, from day one we would be heading for the "rocks" in our relationship.

Be strong and positive even u were to let down and mocked every time! If you are not, it will be the most stupidest step you will ever make, regrets will come dwelling all over you, it will eat you alive and foremost the feeling and deleterious thoughts in you of the other party is having a blast leaving you in total misery. AND YOU DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN DONT YA?!

There is so much to learn from a failed love affair then from a successful one! Just as you can learn so much from a fail venture, you too can learn a lot from a failed relationship. One day you may look back and thank God for those failed relationships. And you will realise that good times, bad times and all times pass over.

Always remember,

"Lovers have loved and will love again" - the choice is yours.

"To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have" - Ken Keyes Jr.

"Do not take life's experience too seriously. Above all, do not let them hurt you for in reality they are nothing worthy but dream experiences. If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them part of you. Play your part in life, But never forget that is only a role" - Paramahan Yogananda

Many people rush into relationships for various reasons. One reason is that they feel lonely and therefore need a partner, In fact I was one of them. But remember that loneliness can still occur even when you have a partner. There are many people who have many friends and yet they feel lonely inside. Everything comes within you. Well, if you are meant to be by yourself without a partner, It is absolutely all right. Do not force or to be forced to be in a relationship unless you find a real good reason.

One of the laws that affects one's happiness is the "Social and Moral" laws. The main culprite which affects a lot of people's happiness. Its interesting to note that this culprit is not even written at all. It's just and "unspoken law" or perception set by a particular society or community in which one live in. A good example would be marriage. Who says one must be married? who says a woman must have a baby? who says a woman must be married by such and such age? who says a man must go out and work? is there anything wrong being a house husband?

The list can go on and on. countless of social and moral laws are unwritten but they are the causes of a lot of unhappiness in many people's life. As far as I am concerned, to HELL with them! I am here to live my own life. It's our lives not theirs! And if you analyse them carefully, most of these social and moral laws don't have much fundamental basis at all! So why let them affect your happiness? life already has enough of its problems.

I hope this few tips could help a lot of people out there, who may facing the same problem that i did. A good example from the book "Dare to Fail" by Billi Lim, chapter 8. these few tips from there that got me in deep realization about relationship.

" Go fishing sometimes, if you don't get the right fish, try again, and again and again until you find the Golden fish. You rather fail a few times to get just the right one. Remember is all up to you to choose the best for you." - Jas Gill


Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Miracle Mother - Happy birthday mummy!

My Miracle Mother

Mom, I look at you
and see a walking miracle.
Your unfailing love without limit,
your ability to soothe my every hurt,
the way you are on duty, unselfishly,
every hour, every day,
makes me so grateful
that I am yours, and you are mine.
With open arms and open heart,
with enduring patience and inner strength,
you gave so much for me,
sometimes at your expense.
You are my teacher,
my comforter, my encourager,
appreciating all, forgiving all.
Sometimes I took you for granted, Mom,
but I don’t now, and I never will again.
I know that everything I am today
relates to you and your loving care.
I gaze in wonder
as I watch you being you
my miracle, my mother.

By Joanna Fuchs

This poem is dedicated to my loving Mummy! Wishing you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I Love you dearly with all my heart and soul. there not a day where i dont think of you and how gratefull am I to you, you are a miracle to me!


Edward best quote

Before you, my life was like a moonless night.
Very dark but there was stars - points of light and reason...
And then you shot across my sky like a meteor.
Suddenly everything is on fire, there was brilliancy, there was beauty.
When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon,
everything went black. Nothing had changed,
but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore.
And theres was no more reason for anything.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Amateurish Photographer - With Nature...

Taken in Usj 2 park and grandma's house at Subang Jaya.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Frozen two

Ok, I was bored and needed to get away from PEARLS for a moment. did a version number two!


today I was running through my hardisk to dispose some unwanted files. As I was looking several pictures of myself then there is this dispirited photo of mine which i never made used of it yet. Basically this totally exalted me to create a poster based on the expression.

To be very honest, this poster reflects me plenteously. I cannot express myself through communication, I'm bad at words when comes to talking and is a problem I'm facing for a very long time now. so alternatively I write. I may be the person who cant talk for nuts (you will be surprise) but I rather jot it down, or express through my artworks and photos. Is the only way I'm confident to circulate myself, Thank God for this substitute I have, and I must make full use of it rather then just the normal stuff for this artistic gift. And yes I always lived in fear, it never scrubbed away. But every time a certain scare arises, I find a way to dismiss it by doing something i really enjoy. It will fade away but not for long, it terrorize back, and it never ends till this very day.
